A Gathering Space for the Whole Community
We host weddings, funerals, town events, and special interest groups. We also share our facilities with the Wilbur Food Pantry and Golden Rule Childcare Center.
More Than Lutheran Or Presbyterian
Wilbur Community Church is a partnership between former congregations: Wilbur Lutheran Church and Community Presbyterian Church. Now, as one congregation, we worship together, share fellowship together, and serve the community together. We share one pastor, pool our finances, and serve on ministry teams together.
You don’t have to be Lutheran or Presbyterian to join our faith community. Anyone is welcome to come to our services. We engage with other traditions in interfaith activities, and host events for the community throughout the year.
We are involved in many forms of community outreach and partnerships including Golden Rule Childcare Center, the local food pantry, and Wilbur Emergency Fund. For more information on our community partnerships click here.
We have many church programs and events to become involved in, such as our women’s ministry teams, quilting, youth and family ministries, Vacation Bible School, bible study, book club, potlucks, and gardening groups. For more information or to get involved, contact us.
We share our facilities with special interest groups, and host town events as well as weddings, funerals, baptisms, and baby showers. Feel free to contact us with any questions about using our facilities for an event or group.
Our Community Outreach and Partnerships
Golden Rule Childcare Center
Food Pantry
Wilbur Emergency Fund
Ronald McDonald House in Spokane
Crosswalk in Spokane
Vitalant Blood Drive Partner
Rural Resources Victim Services
Our church Programs
Youth and Family Ministry
Women’s Ministry Groups
Bible Study
Book Club
Pinwheels to prevent child abuse
Holiday cookie delivery to nursing homes, hospitals, and the homebound.
Mitten and sock tree for the homeless
School kits for overseas
Peanut Butter Bowl
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured
by the compassionate actions of its members.”